Saturday, December 22, 2007

2007 - the year that was...

I think now is a good of time as any to reflect what the year was and has been!

This year has been a year of growth, rediscovery, and above all else a year of discovery!
This year has seen journeys to all parts of Australia, new friendships, and also times of frustration.

The journeys have included weekly plane trips - only 6 hours a week on average spent on a plane, and 6 hours a week waiting for planes, in addition trips to Adelaide (& Clare) (thanks to Mic, Katherine, Heather (& her 1st & 2nd family) for making my stay/s), Melbourne (thanks to Jelena (& Family), Stace &Aidan, Alan for letting me climb into/onto couch/bed/floor - whenever I needed it), Brisbane (Thanks Jelena & Nathan for buying me a mattress for my visit), Hobart (Pete and Isabel for keeping me company) and for something different driving to Canberra (Al, Isabel and Steve for keeping me and each other sane during the journey (it didn't work)and Pete for putting up with us in our insane manner also Isabel mum for letting the 3 of us crash the nite)! Even staying in Perth (thanks Al for discovering Perth with me) for a couple of days. And thanks to the many other people that offered me floor, couch, beds and showers but only so many times I am in the city - and I like some normality!

Friendships - well when you 200 kilometres from the nearest public bar, public servo, and public shop -with 500 -800 people - you meet people - some of them will of passed through my life - guiding me towards the next road and others will actually keep me company along the way a bit - and I thank both lots - because both collection of individuals are important.

Some of the ones that you believe won't keep you company are the ones that keep you company along the road

It is also important to remember the friendships that have continued to grow throughout the year, the people you ring up in tears and say I'm having a bad day (sorry Stace for doing this :)). The people from the past that you have rediscovered, or have come back into your life. The friends that have continued to be there month after month - the ones you can ring up every 6-12 months and have dinner with and catch up and then promise each other to do it more often at the end of the catch up session. The friends that you can rock up to the house - and they look glad to see even through they are thinking - you bitch you could of given more warning - the friends that you invite yourself to dinner at the place - and the welcome you at the door with a hug - Thank you!

The year has been different then any other year for me - I haven't felt myself tied to one place - which for me I found really fruasting - I'm sure I have realised this fruasten to a number of people - for those that I have I thank them - and hopefully having my own wardrobe now will make it so I am less fruasted!

Family rise - 2007 was the year that my sister finally reproduced with a son named Jack, in addition 3 of my cousins had children - busy year!

Looking at 2008 - the year is starting to look similar to 2007 - but with some stability towards the end of the year. With trips to Western Europe (Feb/March), Nelson point/bay (near newcastle,NSW) (Feb), Clare (SA)(May), Dubbo (NSW) (June), and thinking of Darwin in July. Also might have an option of some more work up at Hedland in April/May! Then hopefully I will get a job in the city and have stability!

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